SHE Golfs is a Hole in One!

The SHE team includes more than our staff and our partners - it's also includes you. SHE depends on you to spread awareness of our SHE28 campaign and are grateful when individuals or groups make a commitment to promote SHE in their networks and communities by hosting a SHE Soiree. Two high school students, Thomas Schmedding and Lena McCord, recently organized a "SHE Golfs" tournament and raised over $2,000 on our behalf! 
Learn more about the event from Thomas and Lena, two awesome SHE trailblazers we are grateful to have part of our team!

"The golf tournament occurred on a beautiful December day at Wildwood Green Golf Club in Raleigh, NC. This was our first project of this magnitude and we weren't sure what to expect, but we went into it with an open mind. After receiving sponsorships from Nomacorc LLC, Red Wolf LLC, and the international health organization, Futures Group, we decided to promote our tournament throughout the local media. We received write-ups in several area newspapers, as well as a PSA on Duke University's radio station. Lena and I decided to offer the tournament at a relatively inexpensive $28 per person. We did this to coincide with the SHE28 promotional campaign. The event received 64 registrations, alongside many small donations from our friends and families. 

As students who place a lot of emphasis on marketing and customer satisfaction, we believed that it was a necessity to provide our players with a welcoming environment. Throughout the course, we set up many golf-style games including a hockey stick putting contest and a longest drive competition. Upon the conclusion of the tournament, we offered lunch and awards to those participating in the tournament. To date, our efforts have raised $2080 for Sustainable Health Enterprises. We hope to grow that number over the coming months as we continue to promote this organization."

Thanks again Thomas, Lena, and all those who participated in SHE Golfs! If you want to host a SHE Soiree, contact us and let us know how we can help you host an equally successful event!

Breaking the Menstrual Hygiene Silence

COO's Unite! SHE COO, Global CeCe Camacho with SHE COO, Rwanda Julian Kayibanda.

I traveled to Rwanda to visit my SHE colleagues back in August and came back optimistic and inspired.  One afternoon as all our staff were walking to lunch (we were looking for the Africa Bagel Company), I couldn’t help but notice this public service sign on the side of the road.  

It was of a family gathered together.  The caption of the sign read: “Talk to your children about sex, it could save their lives.”  The sign was sponsored by the Imbuto Foundation, an organization founded by Rwandan’s First Lady, Jennette Kagame.  I must admit that I was intrigued.  Investigating their website I learned more about the impetus behind this sign.  After perusing their various health, youth, and education programs I discovered it came out of a project to support adolescent sexual reproductive health and rights. The project works in partnerships with schools and health centers as “agents of change” to increase health knowledge and impact behaviors.

SHE is an advocate of girl’s education as well as a proponent of talking with girls about their sexual and reproductive health and how menstruation is natural process of the reproductive cycle. However, around the world, talking about menstruation remains taboo and having open conversations is often difficult. Because of this deafening silence, menstrual hygiene management is a challenge for girls and women.  Girls and women lack access to affordable pads, proper sanitation facilities and the reproductive and sexual health information to understand why they are menstruating and how to manage it. Ultimately, girls and women are denied their rights to health, education and gender equity, sanitation and dignity.

At SHE we are breaking the silence. A greater awareness of menstrual hygiene demands that both men and women—fathers and mothers as well as teachers alike— talk with their daughters and students. SHE is working in partnership with many stakeholders at both the community, national and global level to ensure this. While I was visiting, Julian, SHE’s COO in Rwanda, and I met with the Ministry of Education’s School Health Plan Committee to advocate for the inclusion of menstrual hygiene education in the schools and training for teachers.  SHE was met with support, enthusiasm and partnership opportunities.  

SHE is also a co-publisher of the resource book Menstrual Hygiene Matters  which is now available on the WaterAid website. This valuable tool for practitioners includes nine modules and toolkits covering key aspects of menstrual hygiene for different settings such as communities, schools and emergencies.

At SHE we are also innovating.  Talking about menstrual hygiene also needs to be coupled with an effective and affordable menstrual product that girls like. SHE is going from small to industrial-scale production of our SHE LaunchPads. We will be producing 300,000 SHE LaunchPads for 3,000 Rwandan school girls attending 10 schools in the Kayonza district in the next couple of months.

Clearly, the time in Rwanda is ripe for supporting girl’s menstrual hygiene. We believe the SHE LaunchPad will create economic opportunities in Rwandan communities as well as enhance girls’ educational opportunities, impact health while restoring dignity.  I must admit I couldn’t help but envision a SHE public service sign of a girl gathered with her mother and father.  The caption of the sign would read: “Break the menstrual silence and talk with your daughter, it could keep her in school.”  

Join us now in making this happen - support our SHE28 campaign and break the silence. Period. 

Optimistic and Inspired,


SHE is a Rising Star in Global Health as Recipient of 100K Grant from Grand Challenges Canada

Grand Challenges Canada, which is funded by the Government of Canada, recently announced $100,000 grants to 51 innovators in 18 low and middle income countries worldwide.  
SHE with our COO, Rwanda, Julian Kayibanda as Principal Investigator, has been awarded $100,000 to our pursue bold, creative idea to tackle the problem of lack of access to menstrual pads with our social enterprise model!

SHE has the potential to receive $1 million for an additional Grand Challenges Canada scale-up funding of $1 million. The timing of this investment, along with the affirmation from Grand Challenges Canada in our business model, could not have been better as we move forward with our industrial-scale pilot of mass producing 300,000 SHE LaunchPads for 3,000 Rwandan schoolgirls at 10 Eastern district schools. 

We are honored to receive this grant and receive further affirmation of our approach to tackling poverty and health at a global scale. Thanks to Grand Challenges Canada for their dedication toward supporting bold ideas with significant impact in global health. 

Check out our grantee page to learn more about the award.