Welcome to SHE's Entrepreneur-in-Residence Abenezer Fanta

We had a call out for banana fiber geeks earlier this year willing to train with our technical partners at NCSU and travel to Rwanda to lead our industrial scale production of our SHE LaunchPad, so we're excited to announce and welcome to the SHE team, Abenezer Fanta. 

Abenezer in a sea of banana fiber
Abenezer, our SHE Entrepreneur in Residence who we recruited to transfer the pilot-industrial scale manufacturing to Rwanda, has arrived in the US (see below)!  He has an entrepreneurial spirit, a banana fiber textile and mechanical engineering background, hails from Ethiopia, and apparently (as described in one reference letter), is a good swimmer!

He'll be training with one of our technical partners, Dr. Med Byrd of North Carolina State University, and then head transfer both the know-how and equipment to Rwanda this fall.

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