Boltbus from Boston to NYC
While 2009 may mark the year of the Ox in China, for us at SHE in NYC/Rwanda, it's the month of Hillary and Rachel. Hillary and Rachel? Hmmmm...never heard of them....are they a new comedy act? Do they have that MTV reality show with that guy who used to be Pee Wee Herman? We're talking about Hillary, as in Hillary Clinton. And Rachel, as in Rachel Strohm. Find out why they are our first honorary members of SHE's 28 Day Club!
Hillary: At today's hearing for approval for Secretary of State, Hillary told us the truth about poverty.
“Of particular concern to me,” she said, “is the plight of women and girls, who comprise the majority of the world’s unhealthy, unschooled, unfed and unpaid.”
Goldman Sachs' report underlines the urgency to address this by arguing if we invest in girls' education (including the availability of affordable sanitary pads), we invest in the economic growth of our nations.
Rachel: SHE is full steam ahead in researching
Way to work it, Hillary and Rachel, the first honorary members of SHE's 28 Day Club!